F. Akbar, A.E. Bayraktaroglu, G. Gao, T. Grover, G. Mark, K. Storer, D.R. DaCunha Silva, R. Gutierrez-Osuna, Z. Wang, P. Buddharaju, N.C. Jones, I. Pavlidis, A. Wesley, and S. Zaman
CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
May 4-9, 2019. Glasgow, UK. [Acceptance Rate: 23.8%]
I. Pavlidis, E. Akleman, and I. Pavlidis
American Scientist
vol. 110, no. 4, pp. 196-200, July-August 2022. [Impact Factor: 0.548]
M.A. Kazmi, C. Spitzmueller, J. Yu, J.M. Madera, A.S Tsao, J.F. Dawson, and I. Pavlidis
Journal of Applied Psychology
10.1037/apl0000725, 2021. [Impact Factor: 7.429]
I. Pavlidis, A. Khatri, P. Buddharaju, M. Manser, R. Wunderlich, and P. Tsiamyrtzis
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
10.1109/TAFFC.2018.2883950, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 453-465, April-June 2021. [Impact Factor: 11.2]
S. Zaman, A. Wesley, D. R. D. C. Silva, P. Buddharaju, F. Akbar, G. Gao, G. Mark, R. Gutierrez-Osuna, and I. Pavlidis
Scientific Data
10.1038/s41597-019-0249-5, November 8, 2019. [Impact Factor: 6.444]
F. Akbar, G. Mark, I. Pavlidis, and R. Gutierrez-Osuna
10.3390/s19173766, August 2019. [Impact Factor: 3.576]
I. Pavlidis, I. Garza, P. Tsiamyrtzis, M. Dcosta, J. Swanson, T. Krouskop, and J. Levine
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
10.1109/JBHI.2018.2855670, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1225-1233, May 2019. [Impact Factor: 5.772]
I. Pavlidis, D. Zavlin, A. Khatri, A. Wesley, G. Panagopoulos, and A. Echo
Scientific Reports
10.1038/s41598-019-38727-z, vol. 9, February 11, 2019. [Impact Factor: 4.380]
L. Gadamus, J.P. Gomez, D. Akleman, E. Akleman, and I. Pavlidis
10.3390/math6080139, 2018. [Impact Factor: 1.747]
A.M. Petersen, D. Majeti, K. Kwon, M.E. Ahmed, and I. Pavlidis
Science Advances
10.1126/sciadv.aat4211, August 15, 2018. [Impact Factor: 14.143]
C. Patten, J. Levine, I. Pavlidis, J. Balls-Berry, A. Shah, C. Hughes, T. Brockman, M. Soto, D. Witt, G. Koepp, P. Sinicrope, and J. Richards
10.1371/journal.pone.0197090, May 10, 2018. [Impact Factor: 2.740]
S. Taamneh, P. Tsiamyrtzis, M. Dcosta, P. Buddharaju, A. Khatri, M. Manser, T. Ferris, R. Wunderlich, and I. Pavlidis
Scientific Data
10.1038/sdata.2017.110, vol. 4, August 2017. [Impact Factor: 5.541]
L. Albayrak, K. Khanipov, M. Pimenova, G. Golovko, M. Rojas, I. Pavlidis, S. Chumakov, G. Aguilar, A. Chavez, W. Widger, and Y. Fofanov
BMC Genomics
10.1186/s12864-016-3375-x, December 12, 2016. [Impact Factor: 3.594]
I. Pavlidis, M. Dcosta, S. Taamneh, M. Manser, T. Ferris, R. Wunderlich, E. Akleman, and P. Tsiamyrtzis
Scientific Reports
10.1038/srep25651, vol. 6, May 2016. [Impact Factor: 3.998]
I. Semendeferi, P. Tsiamyrtzis, M. Dcosta, and I. Pavlidis
Science and Engineering Ethics
vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 251-274, Feb 2016. [Impact Factor: 3.525]
I. Pavlidis, A. Petersen and I. Semendeferi
Nature Physics
vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 700-702, October 2014. [Impact Factor: 20.034]
I. Pavlidis, P. Tsiamyrtzis, D. Shastri, A. Wesley, Y. Zhou, P. Lindner, P. Buddharaju, R. Joseph, A. Mandapati, B. Dunkin, and B. Bass
Scientific Reports
vol. 2, March 2012. [Impact Factor: 3.998]
C. Manohar, SM Crady, Y. Fujiki, I. Pavlidis, and J. Levine
The FASEB Journal
April 2010. [Impact Factor: 4.966]
J.N. Murthy, J van Jaarsveld, J. Fei, I. Pavlidis, R.I. Harrykissoon, J.F. Lucke, and R.J. Castriotta
vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1521-1527, November 2009. [Impact Factor: 4.805]
Bebis, A. Gyaourova, S. Singh, and I. Pavlidis
Image and Vision Computing
vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 727-742, July 2006. [Impact Factor: 3.103]
D.A. Pollina, A.B. Dollins, S.M. Senter, T.E. Brown, I. Pavlidis, J.A. Levine, and A.H. Ryan
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 1182-1189, 2006. [Impact Factor: 3.324]
J.N. Murthy, S. Faiz, J. Fei, I. Pavlidis, A. Abeulhagia, and R.J. Castriota
Chest Meeting Abstracts
vol. 132, no. 4, pp. 464, October 2007. Chicago, Illinois.
B. Bhanu, and I. Pavlidis
November 2004.
I. Pavlidis, N.L. Eberhardt, and J. Levine
vol. 415, no. 6867, pp. 35, January 2002. [Impact Factor: 49.962]
I. Pavlidis, V. Morellas, P. Tsiamyrtzis, and S. Harp
Proceedings of the IEEE
vol. 89, no. 10, pp. 1478-1497, October 2001. [Impact Factor: 10.252]
D. Shastri, A. Wesley, and I. Pavlidis
October 2008.
J. Levine, I. Pavlidis, and M. Cooper
The Lancet
vol. 357, no. 9270, pp. 1757, June 2001. [Impact Factor: 60.390]
P. Tsiamyrtzis, J. Dowdall, D. Shastri, I. Pavlidis, M.G. Frank, and P. Ekman
Proceedings of SPIE Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense IV
vol. 5778, March 2005. Orlando, Florida.
P. Tsiamyrtzis, J. Dowdall, D. Shastri, and I. Pavlidis
November 2005.
I. Pavlidis, R. Singh, and N. Papanikolopoulos
Pattern Recognition
vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1589-1600, 1998. [Impact Factor: 7.740]
R. Murthy and I. Pavlidis
April 2005.
I. Pavlidis, P. Symosek, B. Fritz, M. Bazakos, and N. Papanikolopoulos
Machine Vision and Applications
vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 313-320, 2000. [Impact Factor: 1.605]
M. Garbey, N. Sun, A. Merla and I. Pavlidis
December 2004.
I. Pavlidis
January 1996.
I. Pavlidis, N.P. Papanikolopoulos, and R. Mavuduru
Signal Processing
10.1016/S0165-1684(98)00144-3, December 15, 1998. [Impact Factor: 4.662]
A.H. Ryan, Jr., I. Pavlidis, J.W. Rohrbaugh, F. Marchak, and F.A. Kozel
Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Sensors and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Defense and Law Enforcement II
vol. 5071, pp. 168-182, April 2003. Orlando, Florida.
I. Pavlidis, V. Morellas, and P. Roeber
December 2002. San Francisco, California.
I. Pavlidis and N. Papanikolopoulos
January 1996.
I. Pavlidis, N. Papanikolopoulos, and R. Mavuduru
January 1995.